Hoda Nikpour, Agnar Aamodt: Fault diagnosis under uncertain situations within a Bayesian knowledge-intensive CBR system Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 10, 2021, pp. 245-258
Hoda Nikpour, Agnar Aamodt: Inference and reasoning in a Bayesian knowledge-intensive CBR system Progress in Artificial Intelligence 10 (1), 2021, pp. 49-63
Pl Skalle, Agnar Aamodt: Downhole failures revealed through ontology engineering Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 191, no. 107188, 2020.
Hkon Mly, Agnar Aamodt, Ekrem Misimi: A spatio-temporal recurrent network for salmon feeding action recognition from underwater videos in aquaculture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 167, 105087, 2019.
Kerstin Bach, Cindy Marling, Paul Jarle Mork, Aagnar Aamodt, Frances Mair, Barbara Nicholl: Design of a clinician dashboard to facilitate co-decision making in the management of non-specific low back pain. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 52 (2), 2019, pp. 269-284.
Susan Craw, Agnar Aamodt: Case based reasoning as a model for cognitive artificial intelligence. Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, 26th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2018 Stockholm, Sweden, July 10-12, 2018. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2018, ISBN 978-3-030-01081-2, pp.88-103.
Hoda Nikpour, Agnar Aamodt, Kerstin Bach: Bayesian-Supported Retrieval in BNCreek: A Knowledge-Intensive Case-Based Reasoning System. Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, 26th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2018 Stockholm, Sweden, July 10-12, 2018. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2018, ISBN 978-3-030-01081-2, pp.422-437.
Tor Gunnar Houeland, Agnar Aamodt: A Learning System based on Lazy Metareasoning. Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 2017 (online) ISSN 2192-6360, 2018 (print), Vol. 7, no. 2 s. 129-146, ISSN 2192-6352. Springer.
Hoda Nikpour, Agnar Aamodt: Bayesian Analysis in a Knowledge-Intensive CBR System. Miltos Petridis (ed): 22nd UK Symposium on Case-Based Reasoning, Cambridge, UK, December 2017. pp 28-40.
Bach, Kerstin; Prestmo, Tale; Aamodt, Agnar; Mork, Paul Jarle. Diversity of Exercise Plans using Evolutionary Inspired Adaptation. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2017, ISSN 1613-0073, 1917.
Bjrn Magnus Mathisen, Agnar Aamodt, Helge Langseth: Data driven case base construction for prediction of success of marine operations . In Ruiz-Granados and Kofod-Petersen (Editors), Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2017), Workshop Proceedings, Ceur-ws.org, (link at http://www.iccbr.org/iccbr17/workshops.html), pp. 102-111.
Aamodt, Agnar; Plaza, Enric: Case-based reasoning and the upswing of AI (Abstract). 25th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2017 Trondheim, Norway, June 26-28, 2017, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNCS Volume 10339 2017, ISSN 1611-3349, pp.1-2.
Tale Prestmo, Kerstin Bach, Agnar Aamodt, Paul Jarle Mork: Evolutionary Inspired Adaptation of Exercise Plans for Increasing Solution Variety. ICCBR 2017, Trondheim. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS, Volume 10339, ISSN 1611-3349, pp. 272-286.
Kari Fosshaug Skjold, Marthe Sofie Oynes, Kerstin Bach, Agnar Aamodt: IntelliMeal - Enhancing Creativity by Reusing Domain Knowledge in the Adaptation Process. Workshop Computer Cooking Contest, ICCBR 2017, 2017-06-26.
Paal Skalle, Agnar Aamodt, Isak Swahn: Detection of failures and interpretation of causes during drilling operations. ADIPEC, Abu Dhabi, Nov. 2016. SPE-183 022-MS.
Kerstin Bach, Tomasz Szymon Szczepanski, Agnar Aamodt, Odd Erik Gundersen, Paul Jarle Mork: Case Representation and Similarity Assessment in the SELFBACK Decision Support System. ICCBR 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2016; Volume 9969, pp. 32-46.
Hoda Nikpour, Agnar Aamodt, Paal Skalle: Diagnosing Root Causes and Generating Graphical Explanations by Integrating Temporal Causal Reasoning and CBR. ICCBR 2016, Workshops Proceedings. CEUR Workshops Proceedings Vol.1815, ISSN 1613-0073, pp. 162-172.
Kerstin Bach, Tomasz Szczepanski, Agnar Aamodt, Odd Erik Gundersen, and Paul Jarle Mork. Case Representation and Similarity Assessment in the SELFBACK Decision Support System ICCBR 2016, Atlanta, Oct.-Nov. 2016.
Sizov, Gleb; Ozturk, Pinar; Aamodt, Agnar. Evidence-driven retrieval in textual CBR: Bridging the gap between retrieval and reuse. The 22nd International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2015). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2015 ;Volum 9343. s. 351-365
Ozturk, Pinar; Munoz-Avila, Hector; Aamodt, Agnar. Explanation of opportunities. I: The 22nd International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2014), Workshop on Case-Based Agents, Workshop Proceedings. Cork, Ireland: International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning 2014 s. 4-16
Pl Skalle, Agnar Aamodt, Karin Lauman: Integrating human related errors with technical errors to determine causes behind offshore accidents. Safety Science, Online publ.: DOI , Printed publ.: Vol. 63, March 2014. Elsevier. pp 179-191.
Pl Skalle, Agnar Aamodt, Odd Erik Gundersen: Experience Transfer for Process Improvement. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 26 (2013), Elsevier, 2013. pp 2206-2214.
Odd Erik Gundersen, Frode Srmo, Agnar Aamodt, Pl Skalle: A real-time decision support system for high cost oil-well drilling operations. AI Magazine, Volume 34, Number 1, Spring 2013. ISSN-0738-4602. pp 21-32. (Slightly extended/modified version of IAAI-2012 paper.)
Pl Skalle, Agnar Aamodt, Odd Erik Gundersen: Detection of Symptoms for Revealing Causes Leading to Drilling Failures. SPE Drilling & Completion Volum 28 (2). 2013. pp. 182-193.
Odd Erik Gundersen, Frode Srmo, Agnar Aamodt, Pl Skalle: A real-time decision support system for high cost oil-well drilling operations. Proceedings of The Twenty-Third Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference (IAAI) 2012. AAAI Press, 2012. pp 2209-2216. (Slightly extended/modified version published in AI Magazine, as referenced above.)
Axel Tidemann, Finn Olav Bjrnson, Agnar Aamodt: Operational support in fish farming through case-based reasoning. Proceedings of The 25th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems. Dalian, China, June 9-12 2012. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNCS, Springer, 2012. pp 104-113.
Samad Valipour Shokouhi, Pl Skalle, Agnar Aamodt: An overview of case-based reasoning applications in drilling engineering. Artificial Intelligence Review. (ISSN 0269-2821). Online version published, DOI: 10.1007/s10462-011-9310-2. January 2012.
Tore Bruland, Agnar Aamodt, Helge Langseth: A hybrid CBR and BN architecture refined through data analysis Proceedings of ISDA-11, 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Cordoba, Nov. 22-24, 2011. IEEE 2011. pp 906-913.
Tor Gunnar Houeland, Tore Bruland, Agnar Aamodt, Helge Langseth: Combining CBR and BN using metareasoning. Proceedings of The 11th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2011), Trondheim, Norway May 24th - 26th, 2011. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, vol. 227, IOS Press. pp 189-191. (Extended version of abstract published in the proceedings.)
Axel Tidemann, Finn Olav Bjrnson, Agnar Aamodt: Case-based reasoning in a system architecture for intelligent fish farming. Proceedings of The 11th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2011), Trondheim, Norway May 24th - 26th, 2011. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, vol. 227, IOS Press. pp 122-131.
Tor Gunnar Houeland, Agnar Aamodt: An Effcient Hybrid Classiffcation Algorithm - an Example from Palliative Care. The 6th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS11), Wroclaw, Poland, May 23-25, 2011. 8 pgs. Spinger Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Pl Skalle, Agnar Aamodt, Odd Erik Gundersen: Transfer of experience for improved oil well drilling. In R. Sundaravadivelu, SP. Subramanian, and R. Sharma (eds): Proceedings of the First International Conference on Drilling Technology(ICDT - 2010) and National Workshop on Manpower Development in Petroleum Engineering (NWMDPE - 2010), November 18-21, Chennai, India. Indian Institute of Technology Madras, ISBN: 978-93-80689-03-6. pp 249-257.
Tore Bruland, Agnar Aamodt, Helge Langseth: Architectures intergating case-based reasoning and Bayesian networks for clinical decision support. Proceedings of IIP2010 - 6th International Conference
on Intelligent Information Processing. IFIP Conference Series. Manchester, UK, October 13-16 2010. Springer Verlag, 2010. pp 82-91.
Samad Valipour Shokouhi, Agnar Aamodt, Pl Skalle: Applications of CBR in oil well drilling. Proceedings of IIP2010 - 6th International Conference
on Intelligent Information Processing. IFIP Conference Series. Manchester, UK, October 13-16 2010. Springer Verlag, 2010. pp 102-111.
Agnar Aamodt, Odd Erik Gundersen, Jon Hvard Loge, Elisabeth Wasteson, Tomasz Szcepanski: Case-based reasoning for assessment and diagnosis of depression in palliative care. Proceedings of CBMS 2010 -
The 23RD IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. Perth, Australia, October 12-15 2010. IEEE Symposium Series, 2010.
Tor Gunnar Houeland, Agnar Aamodt: The utility problem for lazy learners - towards a non-eager approach. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2010, Alessandria, Italy, July 2010. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 6176, Springer Verlag, ISSN-0302-9743, 2010. pp. 141-155.
Anders Kofod-Petersen, Helge Langseth, Agnar Aamodt: Explanations in Bayesian networks using provenance trough case-based reasoning. 18th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2010, Alessandria, Italy, July 2010. Workshop Proceedings. School of Electrical Engineering, Ohio University, 2010. pp. 79-86.
Samad Valipour Shokouhi, Agnar Aamodt, Pl Skalle: A semi-automatic method for case acquisition in CBR; A study in oil well drilling. Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA-2010), Innsbruck, February 15-17 2010. ACTA Press, 2010. pp 263-270.
Samad Valipour Shokouhi, Agnar Aamodt, Pl Skalle: Comparing two types of knowledge-intensive CBR for optimized oil well drilling
. Proceedings of the 4th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-09), Tumkur India, December 16-18, 2009. IICAI 2009. pp. 722-737.
Samad Valipour Shokouhi, Pl Skalle, Agnar Aamodt, Frode Srmo: Integration of real-time data and past experiences for reducing operational problems. Proceedings of International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC 2009), Quatar, December 7-9, 2009. SPE 2009. pp.
Tor Gunnar Houeland, Agnar Aamodt: An introspective component-based approach for meta-level reasoning in clinical decision-support systems. Proceedings of the First Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Symposium (NAIS'09), Trondheim, November 26-28 2009. Tapir Forlag, pp. 121-132.
Agnar Aamodt: Integrated Reasoning Systems
- A Knowledge-Level Perspective with a Case Based Bias. Proceedings of the First Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Symposium (NAIS'09), Trondheim, November 26-28 2009. Tapir Forlag, pp. 143-153.
Anders Kofod-Petersen, Agnar Aamodt: Case-based Reasoning for Situation-aware Ambient Intelligence: A Hospital Ward Evaluation Study. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2009, Seattle, July 2009.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5650, Springer Verlag, ISSN-0302-9743. s. 450-464.
Samad Valipour Shokouhi, Agnar Aamodt, Pl Skalle and Frode Srmo: Determining root causes of drilling problems by combining cases and general knowledge. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2009, Seattle, July 2009.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5650, Springer Verlag, ISSN-0302-9743. s. 509-523.
Tor Gunnar Houeland, Agnar Aamodt: Towards an Introspective Architecture for Meta-level Reasoning in Clinical Decision Support Systems. Proceedings of the Workshop on CBR in the Health Sciences, 8th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2009, Seattle, July 2009. pp. 235-244.
Tomasz Szczepanski, Agnar Aamodt: Case-based Reasoning for Improved Micromanagement in Real-Time Strategy Games. Proceedings of the Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning for Computer Games, 8th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2009, Seattle, July 2009. pp. 139-148.
Anders Kofod-Petersen, Jrg Cassens, Agnar Aamodt: Explanatory Capabilities
in the CREEK Knowledge-Intensive Case-Based Reasoner,
Explanatory Capabilities in the CREEK Knowledge-Intensive Case-Based Reasoner. Proceedings of the 10th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2008). Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Volum 173. s. 28-35. IOS Press, 2008.
Agnar Aamodt: Case-based reasoning for advice-giving in a data-intensive environment. Proceedings of the 10th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2008). Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Volum 173. s. 201-205. IOS Press, 2008.
Anders Kofod-Petersen, Agnar Aamodt: Contextualised ambient intelligence through case-based
reasoning. Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Case-Based
Reasoning, ECCBR 2006, ludeniz/Fethiye, Mingyang Gu, Agnar
Aamodt: Evaluating
CBR systems using different data sources: a case study. To
appear in Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning,
ECCBR 2006, ludeniz/Fethiye, Mingyang Gu, Agnar
Aamodt: Dialog
Learning in Conversational CBR. Proceedings of the 19th
International FLAIRS Conference ( Michael M. Richter and Agnar Aamodt: Case-based
reasoning foundations. Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 20, Issue
03, September 2005.
Ramon Lpez de Mntaras,
David McSherry, Derek Bridge, David Leake, Barry Smyth, Susan Craw, Boi Faltings, Mary Lou Maher,
Michael Cox, Kenneth Forbus, Mark Keane, Agnar
Aamodt, and Ian Watson:
reuse, revision, and retention in case-based reasoning . Knowledge
Engineering Review, Vol. 20, Issue 03, September 2005. Cindy Marling, Edwina Rissland
and Agnar Aamodt: Integrations
with case-based reasoning Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 20,
Issue 03, September 2005. Frode Srmo, JrgCassens, Agnar Aamodt: Explanation in
Case-Based Reasoning; Perspectives and Goals . Artificial Intelligence Review. Vol
24, no. 2, October 2005. pp. 109143. Mingyang Gu, Agnar
Aamodt: A
Knowledge-Intensive Method for Conversational CBR. In: Hctor MuozAvila, Francesco Ricci (eds.), Case-Based Reasoning
Research and Development, 6th International Conference on Casxe-Based
Resoning,Proceedings. Waclaw Kusnierczyk, Agnar Aamodt, Astrid Lgreid Mingyang Gu, Xin Tong, Agnar Aamodt: Comparing
Similarity Calculation Methods in Conversational CBR. In: IEEE IRI2005;
Information Reuse and Integration. IEEE Computer Society
Press 2005. ISBN 0-7803-9093-8. pp. 427-432. Agnar Aamodt: Case-based
reasoning and intelligent tutoring. Funk, P., Rognvaldsson,
T., Xiong, N.(eds.), SAIS-SSLS Proceedings. Vsters, Sweden, April
20-22, 2005. Mlardalen Hgskola, Vsters
2005. pp. 8-22. Pl Skalle, Agnar Aamodt: Knowledge-based
decision support in oil well drilling. Zhongzhi
Shi (ed.), Proceedings of the ICIIP 2004,
International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems. Mingyang Gu, Agnar
Aamodt, Xin Tong: Component
retrieval using conversational case-based reasoning. Zhongzhi
Shi (ed.), Proceedings of the ICIIP 2004,
International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems. Agnar Aamodt: Knowledge-intensive
case-based reasoning in Creek. Peter Funk, Pedro A. Gonzalez Calero (eds.),
Advances in case-based reasoning, 7th European Conference, ECCBR 2004,
Proceedings. Mingyang Gu, Agnar
Aamodt: Explanation-boosted
question selection in conversational CBR. Pablo Gervas
and Kalyan Moy Gupta (eds.), Proceedings of the
ECCBR 2004 Workshops, 7th European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning. AndersKofod-Petersen, Agnar Aamodt: Case-based
situation assessment in a mobile context-aware system. Proceedings
ofAIMS2003, Workshop on Artificial Intgelligence for
Mobil Systems, Martha Drum Jre, Agnar Aamodt, Pl Skalle:
temporal knowledge for case-based prediction. Advances in case-basedreasoning; 6th European Conference, ECCBR 2002, Frode Srmo,
Agnar Aamodt: Knowledge communication and CBR. 6th European Conference
on Case-Based Reasoning,ECCBR
2002, Agnar Aamodt: Modeling
the knowledge contents of CBR systems. Proceedings of
the WorkshopProgram at the Fourth International
Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, Paal Skalle,
Jostein Sveen, Agnar Aamodt: Improved efficiency of oil well drilling through case-based
reasoning. Proceedingsof PRICAI 2000, The Sixth Ketil B, Agnar Aamodt: Anew
approach to applicable memory-based reasoning. Journal
ofExperimental and Theoretical Artificial
Intelligence, Vol. 11, 1999. pp 479-496. Helge Langseth, Agnar
Aamodt, Ole Martin Winnem: Learning retrieval knowledge from data. In Sixteenth
International JointConference on Artificial
Intelligence, Workshop ML-5: Automating theConstruction
of Case-Based Reasoners. Stockholm1999. Sarabjot Singh Anand, Agnar
Aamodt, David W. Aha (eds.). pp. 77-82. Frode Srmo,
Agnar Aamodt: Knowledge
elaboration for improved CBR. In Sixteenth
International JointConference on Artificial
Intelligence, Workshop ML-5: Automating theConstruction
of Case-Based Reasoners. Stockholm1999. Sarabjot Singh Anand, Agnar
Aamodt, David W. Aha (eds.). pp. 39-43. Pinar Ozturk,
Agnar Aamodt: Acontext model for knowledge-intensive case-based reasoning.
InternationalJournal of Human Computer Studies. Vol.
48, 1998.Academic Press. pp 331-355. Agnar Aamodt, Helge
Langseth: Integrating Bayesian networks into knowledge-intensive CBR.
In American Associationfor
Artificial Intelligence, Case-based reasoning integrations; Papers from theAAAI workshop. David Aha, Jody J. Daniels
(eds.).Technical Report WS-98-15. AAAI Press, Pl
Skalle, Agnar Aamodt, Jostein Sveen: Case-based
reasoning a method for gaining experience and giving advise on how to avoid andhow to free stuck drill strings. Proceedings of
IADC Middle EastDrilling Conference, Agnar Aamodt, Helge A. Sandtorv, Ole M. Winnem : Combining Case Based Reasoning and Data Mining - A way of
revealing and reusingRAMS experience. In Lydersen, Hansen, Sandtorv
(eds.), Safety andReliability; Proceedings of ESREL 98, Pinar Ozturk,
Agnar Aamodt: Towardsa model of context for case-based diagnostic problem
solving. In Context-97;Proceedings of the
interdisciplinary conference on modeling and using context. Morten Grimnes,
Agnar Aamodt: A
two layer case-based reasoning architecture for medical
image understanding. InSmith, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Agnar Aamodt: Relating case-based problem solving and learning methods to
task and domain characteristics; towards an
analytic framework. AI Communications - TheEuropean
Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 9 (3)1996, pp 109-116. Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Agnar Aamodt: ZurAnalyse fallbasierter Problemlsen- und Lernmethode in Abhngigkeit von Charakteristika gegebener Aufgabenstellungen und Anwendungsdomnen. KnstlicheIntelligenz (KI), nr. 1 (Mrz) 1996, pp
10-15.(German version of above paper). Agnar Aamodt: KnowledgeAcquisition and Learning from Experience - The
Role of Case-Specific Knowledge,In Gheorge
Tecuci and Yves Kodratoff (eds): Machine learning and knowledgeacquisition;
Integrated approaches, (Chapter 8),Academic Press, 1995, pp 197-245. Agnar Aamodt, Mads Nygrd: Different roles and mutual dependencies of data,
information, and knowledge - an AI perspective on
their integration, Data and Knowledge Enigneering
16 (1995), pp 191-222. Agnar Aamodt: Explanation-drivencase-based reasoning, In S. Wess,
K. Althoff, M. Richter (eds.): Topicsin
Case-based reasoning. Springer Verlag, 1994. pp274-288. Agnar Aamodt: A Knowledge Representation System for Integration of General
and Case-Specific Knowledge. Proceedings from
IEEE TAI-94, International Conference onTools with
Artificial Intelligence. Agnar Aamodt, Enric Plaza: Case-based reasoning; Foundational issues, methodological
variations, and system approachesAI Communications, Vol.7, No.1,March 1994,
pp. 39-59.(pdf-version) Mads
Nygrd, Agnar Aamodt: Road
transport informatics; conceptual framework and technological components.
In: Proceedings of IEEE-IEE Vehicle Navigation and
InformationSystems Conference, VNIS,
1993. Agnar Aamodt: A case-based answer to some problems of knowledge-based
systems. In E.Sandewal and C.G. Jansson (eds):
Scandinavian Conference on ArtificialIntelligence
1993. IOS Press, 1993. pp. 168-182. Ingeborg Solvberg,
Inge Nordb, Agnar Aamodt: Knowledge-based information retrieval. Future
Generation Computer Systems, 7 (1991/92) pp 379-390. Geir Aakvik,
Agnar Aamodt, Inge Nordb: A knowledgeRepresentation
Framework Supporting Knowledge Modelling. EKAW-91, Fifth European Knowledge Acquisition for
Knowledge-based SystemsWorkshop, Agnar Aamodt: Knowledge-intensive case-based reasoning and learning. ECAI-90,Ninth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Agnar Aamodt: A computational model of knowledge-intensive problem solving
and learning.In: Bob Wielinga, et al. (eds.): Current trends in knowledge
acquisition. IOS Press, Agnar Aamodt: Robust expert
systems that learn from experience - An architectural
framework. EKAW-89, Third European Knowledge Acquisition for
Knowledge-based SystemsWorkshop, Agnar Aamodt: Towards
expert systems that learn fromexperience. DARPA Case Based Reasoning Workshop, Agnar Aamodt, Jorun Eggen, A. MacDonald, S. Johnsen: Modelling sedimentological expertise: the FACEXP
project. In: D. Sririam, R.A.Adey
(eds.): Knowledge Based Systems for engineering, classification and control. Computational Mechanics Publications,1987. pp. 397-413.
Zhongzhi Shi, Sunil Vadera, Agnar Aamodt, David Leake.
Intelligent Information Processing V. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (340). Springer 2010 (ISBN 3-642-16326-2) 355 s.
ManuelaVeloso, Agnar Aamodt (eds.): Case-based
reasoning research and development, Proceedings of ICCBR-95, First
International Conference onCase-based Reasoning, Agnar Aamodt, Jan Komorowski (eds.): SCAI'95: Fifth
Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Agnar Aamodt: A
knowledge-intensive, integrated approachto problem
solving and sustained learning, Ph.D(Dr.Ing.) dissertation, University of Trondheim, Norwegian
Institute ofTechnology, Department of Computer
Science, May 1991. University Microfilms PUB92-08460, 1992.
Also downloadable as pdf document.
Kerstin Bach, Tale Prestmo, Agnar Aamodt, Paul Jarle Mork: Diversity of Exercise Plans
using Evolutionary Inspired Adaptation. Workshop LWDA 2017 (Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen), Rostock University, 2017-09-11 - 2017-09-13.
Agnar Aamodt, Enric Plaza: Case-Based Reasoning and the Upswing of AI. Extended abstract from invited talk at ICCBR 2017. Lecture notes in Computer Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 10339, pp. XIII-XIV.
Kerstin Bach, Tomasz Szymon Szczepanski, Agnar Aamodt; Gundersen, Odd Erik;
Mork, Paul Jarle: Case representation and similarity assessment in the selfBACK decision support system. LWDA 2016, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, Volum 1670. pp. 153-154.
Tor Gunnar Houeland, Tore Bruland, Agnar Aamodt and Helge Langseth: A hybrid metareasoning architecture combining case-based reasoning and Bayesian networks. Accepted for publication in Proceedings of The 11th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2011), Trondheim, Norway May 24th - 26th, 2011. 2 pgs. IOS Press. (extended version)
Odd Erik Gundersen, Jon Hvard Loge, Agnar Aamodt, Tomasz Szczepanski: Decision-support for diagnosing depression through case-based reasoning. EAPC Abstract no. 422, Palliative Medicine, Vol. 24, no. 4, 2010. p S138.
Agnar Aamodt: Integrating
case-specific experiences with general domain knowledge for intelligent
information processing. IFIP/ICIIP 2004, International Conference on Intelligent Information
Processing, Waclaw Kusnierczyk, Agnar Aamodt and Astrid Lgreid: Towards
Automated Explanation of Gene-Gene Relationships. RECOMB
2004, The Eighth International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology,
Poster Presentations, E9, San Diego, March 2004. (The
actual poster.)
AgnarAamodt: Case-based reasoning - an introduction, In Case-based reasoning; A newforce in advanced systems development, Unicom Seminars,
27 April 1995, pp 9-23. Agnar Aamodt, Klaus-Dieter Althoff: Problemsolving and sustained learning by experience;
Analyzing methods with respect to domain characteristics, in Maarten van Someren (ed), Proceedings fromMLnet Workshop on Learning and Problem Solving, Agnar Aamodt: Explanation-driven
retrieval, reuse, and learning of cases, In M. Richter, S. Wess, K.-D.Althoff, F. Maurer
(eds.) EWCBR-93: FirstEuropean Workshop on
Case-Based Reasoning, Presentations and Posters.Otzenhausen,
November 1-5 1993. Agnar Aamodt: Problem
Solving and Learning from Experience;An
Introduction to Case-Based Reasoning. NAIM - Nordic AI Magazine, Volume 6, no. 1, 1991. pp.19-25.
The selfBACK Consortium: Self management of health and disease and decision support systems based on predictive computer modelling used by the patient him or herself. Deliverables. H2020 EU.3.1, Project ID 689043, 2016-2020.
The EPCRC Consortium: The European Palliative Care Research Collaborative. Final report from EU project EPCRC. LSHC-CT-2006-037777. 2010.
Volve AS: Real Time Drilling Analysis (RTDA). Final Report from the NFR Project Develop software for real-time drilling analysis. Verdande Technology, 2008.
The Noemie Consortium (co-author A. Aamodt): Noemie - Architecture & Specification. Deliverable Task 2.3+Annex 2.3A, 2.3B, 2.3C. Esprit Project 22312. Noemie Report, 1996.
IngeNordb, Pl Skalle, Jostein Sveen, Geir Aakvik, Agnar Aamodt: Reuse ofexperience in drilling - Phase 1 Report. SINTEF DELAB and NTH, Div. ofPetroleum
Engineering. STF 40 RA92050 and IPT 12/92/PS/JS. Agnar Aamodt, Bart Benus, Cuno Duursma,
ChristineTomlinson, Ronald Schrooten
and Walter Van de Velde: Task Features and their Use inCommonKADS. KADSII Report
VUB/014. vi+122 pgs, 1992. B. Wielinga,
A. Aamodt, M. Aben, J. Balder, H. Baltes,
C.Bauer, C. Duursma, A. Kott, G. Schreiber, R. Schrooten,
and W. Van de Velde.Method and tool specifications
for analysis and design. ESPRIT-II Project 5248KADS-II
Deliverable 1.6a, Agnar Aamodt, Bert Bredeweg, Joost Breuker, Cuno Duursma,Christiane
Lockenhoff, Klas Orsvarn, Jan Top, Andre Valente
and Walter Van deVelde: The CommonKADS Library.KADS-II Report
VUB/005. xii+155 pgs, 1991. Walter Van de Velde and Agnar Aamodt: Machine Learning Issues inCommonKADS. KADS-II Report VUB/002, iii+51 pgs, 1991.
Aamodt, A., Aakvik, G., Aben, M., Blythe, J.,
Doize, M.,Major, N., Munoz,
P., Nordbo, I., Ramparany,
F. (Ed.), Reichgelt, H., Rodriguez,E.,
Rugg, G., Shadbolt, N., van
Someren, M., Terpstra, P.,
Trimmer, S., andVestli, M. Functional Specification
of KA-Tools and Knowledge Transformers.ESPRIT P2576 ACKnowledge, ACK-CSI-T2.5-DL-001-B. 1990. M. Van Someren,
A. Aamodt, T. Chippington-Derrick, M.Dozie, C. Jullien, D. Needham,
W. Post, G. Rugg, P. Terpstra,
S. Whitehouse: Aclasification of techniques for
knowledge acquisition - part 1 and 2. TechnicalReport ACK UvA-T1.2-DL-004-D, The Acknowledge
Consortium, University ofAmsterdam. 1990. 2005 - 2009
2000 - 2004
Pre 1995
Agnar Aamodt, Pl Skalle, Odd Erik Gundersen, Frode Srmo: A method and system for monitoring a drilling operation. Reg. 2009-03-16. Patent no.: GB 2460566, US 2010/0235101. International Patent pending: PCT/EP2010/053287.BOOKS: