Peer reviewed papers in journals and conference proceedings




Alsos, Ole Andreas; Das, Anita; Svanaes, Dag. Mobile health IT: The effect of user interface and form factor on doctor–patient communication. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2011


Alsos, Ole Andreas; Svanaes, Dag. Designing for the secondary user experience. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2011


Das, Anita; Faxvaag, Arild; Svanaes, Dag. Management of Weight-Loss: Patients and Healthcare Professionals Requirements for an E-health System for Patients. Lecture Notes in Computer Science = Lecture notes in artificial intelligence 2011 ;Volum 6776. p. 285-294


Das, Anita; Faxvaag, Arild; Svanaes, Dag. Interaction design for cancer patients: do we need to take into account the effects of illness and medication?. Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems. ACM Press 2011 ISBN 978-1-4503-0228-9. p. 21-24


Roemen, Dagfinn; Svanaes, Dag. Validating WCAG versions 1.0 and 2.0 through usability testing with disabled users. Universal Access in the Information Society 2011


Svanaes, Dag; Faxvaag, Arild. Proceedings of the fifth international symposium on Human Factors Engineering in Health Informatics. Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2011 (ISBN 978-82-519-2830-4) 220 pg.


Svanaes, Dag; Faxvaag, Arild; Das, Anita; Alsos, Ole Andreas; Rsand, Terje.The NSEP Usability and Design Laboratory. I: Proceedings of the fifth international symposium on Human Factors Engineering in Health Informatics. Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2011 ISBN 978-82-519-2830-4. p. 25-30




Dahl, Yngve; Alsos, Ole Andreas; Svanaes, Dag. Fidelity Considerations for Simulation-Based Usability Assessments of Mobile ICT for Hospitals. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 2010 ;Volum 26.(5) p. 445-476


Das, Anita; Svanaes, Dag. Multiple perspectives on self-care: How can healthcare professionals and patients contribute to design?. The 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Workshop on Therapeutic Strategies and User Involvement in Design.; 2010-10-17 - 2010-10-17


Svanaes, Dag; Alsos, Ole Andreas; Dahl, Yngve. Usability testing of mobile ICT for clinical settings: Methodological and practical challenges. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2010 ;Volum 79.(4) p. E24-E34




Dahl, Yngve; Alsos, Ole Andreas; Svanaes, Dag. Evaluating Mobile Usability: The Role of Fidelity in Full-Scale Laboratory Simulations with Mobile ICT for Hospitals. I: Human Computer interaction. Springer 2009 ISBN 978-3-642-02884-7.


Svanaes, Dag; Alsos, Ole Andreas. Brukertesting av mobile tjenester og systemer: Erfaringer og utfordringer. Medlemsmte om brukertesting; 2009-04-27


Svanaes, Dag; Alsos, Ole Andreas. Hva br kreves av vre framtidige kolleger?. Yggdrasil; 2009-10-16




Svanaes, D. and J. Gulliksen (2008). Understanding the context of design: Towards tactical user-centered design. To appear in: Proceedings of NordiCHI 2008. Lund, ACM Press.


Roemen, D. and D. Svanaes (2008). Evaluating Web Site Accessibility: Validating the WAI Guidelines through Usability Testing with Disabled Users. To appear in: Proceedings of NordiCHI 2008. Lund, ACM Press.


Svanaes, D., O. A. Alsos, et al. (2008). "Usability testing of mobile ICT for clinical settings: methodological and practical challenges." International Journal of Medical Informatics, Special issue on Human Factors.


Svanaes, D., A. Das, et al. (2008). "The Contextual Nature of Usability and its Relevance to Medical Informatics." Proceedings of MIE 2008, 21th International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics. Amsterdam: IOS Press Publisher, Stud Health Technol Inform.


Dahl, Y. and D. Svanaes (2008). "A Comparison of Location and Token-Based Interaction Techniques for Point-of-Care Access to Medical Information." Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Springer





Dahl, Y. and D. Svanaes (2007). Visualizing Interaction in Digitally Augmented Spaces:  Steps toward a Formalism for Location-Aware and Token-Based Interactive Systems Human Computer Interaction International, HCII 2007. Bejing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag.


Svanaes, D. (2007). Organizational Obstacles to Usability in Health-IT Development and Acquisition. Human Factors Engineering in Health Informatics. rhus, Denmark.





Alsos, O. A. and D. Svanaes (2006). Interaction techniques for using handhelds and PCs together in a clinical setting. Proceedings of the 4th Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction: changing roles. Oslo, Norway, ACM Press.


Dahl, Y., D. Svanaes, et al. (2006). Designing Pervasive Computing for Hospitals: Learning from the Media Affordances of Paper-based Medication Charts. the 1st International Conference on Pervasive Computing technologies for Healthcare, IEEE.


Svanaes, D. (2006). A full-scale laboratory for the evaluation of mobile healthcare application. 1 st Workshop on Human Factors in Healthcare. Lille University, France.



Pre 2006


Svanaes, D. and G. Seland (2004). Putting the users center stage: role playing and low-fi prototyping enable end users to design mobile systems. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. Vienna, Austria, ACM Press.


Svanaes, D. (2001). "Context-aware technology: A phenomenological perspective." Human-Computer Interaction 16(2-4): 379-400.


Svanaes, D. and W. Verplank (2000). In search of metaphors for tangible user intefaces. Proceedings of DARE 2000 on Designing augmented reality environments. Elsinore, Denmark, ACM Press.


Svanaes, D. (1998). "Kinaesthetic thinking: The tacit dimension of interaction design." Computers in Human Behavior 13(4): 443-463.


Svanaes, D., M. Lundalv, et al. (1993). The Specification of a Versatile Communication Aid and Writing Tool. Second European Conference on the Advancement of Rehabilitation Technology ECART. Stockholm, Swedish Handicap Institute.


Lundalv, M. and D. Svanaes (1993). COMSPEC-Towards a modular software architecture and protocol for AAC devices. Proceedings of the 1 stTIDE Congress. Rehabilitation Technology, Strategies for the European Union. E. B. e. al. Amsterdam, IOS Press: 55-59.


Svanaes, D. (1993). COMSPEC: a software architecture for users with special needs. INTERACT '93 and CHI '93 conference companion on Human factors in computing systems. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ACM Press.


Svanaes, D. (1993). Interaction is orthogonal to graphical form. INTERACT '93 and CHI '93 conference companion on Human factors in computing systems. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ACM Press.


Svanaes, D. and E. Monteiro (1993). The role of empirical evidence in software engineering. Norwegian Informatics Conference, NIK93, University of Oslo.


Svanaes, D. (1991). Metaphors we design by. Norwegian Informatics Conference, NIK91, University of Oslo.


Svanaes, D. and A. Thomassen (1991). The growth of a MOSAIC. Proceedings of the workshop on user interface management systems and environments on User interface management and design. Lisbon, Belgium, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.


Svanaes, D. (1990). "Simulation models + user interfaces = interactive applications." Comput. Educ. 14(4): 363-370.


Conradi, R. and D. Svanaes (1985). FORTRAN VERIFIER - A Tool for Documentation and Error Diagnosis of FORTRAN-77 Programs. IFIP WG 2.4 meeting. Bonn.


Svanaes, D. and E. J. Aas (1984). "TEST-GENERATION THROUGH LOGIC PROGRAMMING." Integration The VLSI Journal 2(1): 49-67.