CMB Resources
CMB Challenge 2021 prize ceremony
(in Norwegian) (15 minutes).
User Guides
CMB getting started video
(in Norwegian) 8 minutes,
CMB background video
(in Norwegian) 12 minutes,
CMB local testing
(in Norwegian) 12 minutes
Simple Getting Started Guide
(in English, 2 pages, PDF)
Some additional technical information
: The ARM cores at Odroid XU3 supports vectorization via NEON, and can be used via
GNU vector extensions
Publications - Papers
Climbing Mont Blanc - A Training Site for Energy Efficient Programming on Heterogeneous Multicore Processors
, Lasse Natvig, Torbjørn Follan, Simen Støa, Sindre Magnussen, Antonio Garcia Guirado, arXiv:1511.02240
Climbing Mont Blanc – A Case Study in Challenging the Most Eager Students in a Large Programming Class
, Lasse Natvig, Magnus Själander, Magnus Lie Hetland, 10.5281/zenodo.3345829
Publications - Theses
Security and Measurement Stability in the Climbing Mont Blanc Online Judge
, Master thesis NTNU, Ole Kristian Eidem Pedersen, 2019.
Climbing Mont Blanc - Back-end Improvements
, Master thesis NTNU, Fredrik Pe Ingebrigtsen, 2017.
Improving System Usability of Climbing Mont Blanc - An Online Judge for Energy Efficient Programming
, Master thesis NTNU, Sindre Magnussen, 2016.
Climbing Mont Blanc and Scalability
, Master thesis NTNU, Christian Chavez, 2016.
Experiments towards digital exam with auto-grading in C++ programming courses
, Thea Christine Mathisen and Johannes Omberg Lier, 2016.
Climbing Mont Blanc - A Prototype System for Online Energy Efficiency Based Programming Competitions on ARM Platforms
, Master thesis NTNU, Simen Støa and Torbjørn Follan, 2015.
The CMB idea was first presented in
Multi-core HW/SW interplay and energy efficiency — examples and ideas
at the HiPEAC3 computing systems week in Gøteborg 24/4-2012.
Climbing Mont Blanc – A Training Site for Energy Efficient Programming on Heterogeneous Multicore Processors
, presented at the NII Shonan Meeting Seminar 075 on Putting Heterogeneous High-Performance Computing at the Fingertips of Domain Experts, November 2015.
Climbing Mont Blanc – A Training Site for Energy Efficient Programming on Heterogeneous Multicore Processors
, presented at MCC 2015: Eighth Swedish Workshop on Multi-Core Computing, Copenhagen, November 25-26, 2015.
Climbing Mont Blanc – A Prototype System for Training in Energy Efficient Programming
, COLA: Computing on Low-Power Architectures, Ferrara, Italy, 25-26 February, 2016
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