Letizia Jaccheri: Contact with media (Norwegian "formidling")

Siden 2001 har Letizia Jaccheri vært i dialog med digitalsamtidskunst aktører i Trondheim og Internasjonalt . Hun har en visjon at informatikk blir formidlet på en mer inkluderende og effektivt måte når den kommer i dialog med litteratur og kunst.

Since 2001 Letizia Jaccheri has participated to a dialog with contemporary digital art actors, both in Trondheim and Internationally. She has a vision that informatics is communicated in an including and effective way when it comes in contact with art and literature.

28/11/06 - Disseminator of the Year at IME IDI's professor Letizia Jaccheri was awarded "Disseminator of the Year" at the faculty's traditional Christmas Buffet on November 27. It was pointed out by the dean of the faculty, professor Arne S¿lvberg, that Jaccheri not only has written the book "Cuore e Computer" ("Heart and Computer"); she has also been heavily engaged in cooperation with the Trondheim art scene and NTNU's Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art, active in the Open Source Software (OSS) community as well as being a highly visible role model for female computer scientists and engineers.

Dal 2001 Letizia Jaccheri interagisce con rappresentanti dell'arte contemporanea digitale. Coltiva il suo sogno che l'informatica entra facilmente nella mente e nel cuore di uomini, donne e bambini, quando viene in contatto con l'arte e la letteratura.

In Newspapers and other media

Art installations and other culural events



Scientific Pubblications


Creative Commons License
Questo/a opera è pubblicato sotto una Licenza Creative Commons.