Complex Adaptive Organically-inspired Systems
(CAOS) group
IDINTNU , Trondheim,  Norway
Research Profile   Research Areas  People   Student Projects    Publications

The 5th International Conference on Evolvable Systems: from Biology to Hardware is coming to Norway.
Join us in Trondheim 17th-20th March 2003

Research Profile

This group has been established by Keith Downing and Pauline Haddow in 2001, combining our former research groups "EVAL: Evolutionary Computation, Artificial Life & Robotics" and  "EHW: Evolvable Hardware".

The projects in the CAOS group are varied, unified by a general interest in the use of bottom-up, individual-based and evolutionary techniques in both a) the design of efficient systems and tools and b) in the investigation of biological phenomena.

Research Areas

Artificial life and Evolutionary Computation
Evolvable Hardware
Evolutionary Robotics

Hardware Modelling
New Technolgies for Evolution

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Faculty Members
    Snorre Aunet,          Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Informatics
    Keith Downing,       Professor, Department of Computer Science and Informatics
    Pauline C Haddow, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Informatics

PhD Students
    Frode Eskelund, IDI Financing
    Diego Federici, IDI financing
    Morten Hartmann, IDI financing
    Katherina Jørgensen, NT financing
    Per Kristian Lehre, IDI Financing (Research school)
    Pavel Petrovic, IDI financing
    Gunnar Tufte, NFR financing
    Piet van Remortel, (joint with VUB) Belgian financing

Masters Students
   [Cand. Scient]
   Eskil Aasmul
   Geir Yngve Arnø
   Rune Berge
   Håvard Grendal
   Lars Ivar Hagfors
   Boye Annfelt Høverstad
   Anders Kofod Petersen
   Klaus Richard Stafto
   Magne Syrstad
   Lars Thomas Boye
   Jan Sigurd Drasjl

Faculty Partners
    Berit Johansen , Professor, Department of Botany, NTNU
    Astrid Lægreid, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Biomedicine Technology,  NTNU
    Jørn Hokland, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Informatics, NTNU

National and International Partners
    Jan Kommorowski, Professor,
    Julian Miller, Associate Professor, University of Birmingham, UK
    Adrian Thompson, Research Fellow, University of Sussex, UK
    Andy Tyrrell, Professor, University of York, UK
    Jim Tørresen, Evolvable Hardware, University of Oslo, Norway

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Student Projects

Completed Masters Projects

   Cand.Scient (M.Sc)
   Automated Timetabling/Scheduling using Genetic Algorithms Haldor Samset
   The genetic investor Oyvind Viken (M.Sc)
    Evolution of robust circuits in a simulated environment, Frode Eskelund
    Evolutionary Fault Repair of Electronics in Space Applications, Sverre Vigander [supervised of Adrian Thompson, University of Sussex]
    Configuration of a Virtex FPGA for Evolvable Hardware,  Espen Tislevoll
    Routing in a Mulitprocessor using Evolvable Hardware, Knut Helge Vindheim
    Adaptive Hardware based on Evolution, Morten Skoglund
    Design of RF/IR Interface between a Robot and External Equipment, Tor Arne Olaussen
    Variation of Selection for GA, Mathis Landsverk
     Prototyping of Complete Hardware Evolution, Gunnar Tufte

Completed Final Year Projects
   Evolution of Fault Tolerant Digital Systems, Andreas Engh-Halstvedt og Frode Eskelund
   Representasjon av biologisk enheter, Lars Thomas Boye og Jan Sigurd Drasjl
    EHW in the Microarray Project, Dag Kristian Rognlien
    Co-evolution, Cat and Mouse project, Mathis Landsverk and Geir Martin XX
    GERC, a Genetically Evolved Robot Controller, Espen Tislevoll and Morten Hartmann
    Adaptive Mutation: Controlling a Parameter in Genetic Algorithms, Sverre Vigander

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External Links:
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Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyNTNU
Faculty of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics  FIM                                                                    Design and maintainance: Pauline Haddow
Department of Computer and Information ScienceIDI