Curriculum Vitae
Name: Pauline
C Haddow
Date of Birth: 04.02.64
Languages: English, Norwegian
Marital Status married
Children 3
(born 2000, 2002, 2005)
Current Position Professor
Qualifying Scholarship (Jun 2006- May 2009), IDI, NTNU
Position: Associate
Professor 1998+ (Permission from June 2006- May 2009), IDI,
Previous Position Assistant Professor 1997-1998, IDI. NTNU
Relevant Qualifications:
1998:PhD from NTNU:A Framework for Modelling
Communication Hardware in Multicomputers
1991: First Class
Honours Degree in Computer Science and Electronics,
Board Memberships
IEEE Working Group on Evolvable Hardware
ICES Conferences Steering Committee
NTNU leader group in Medicine Technology (2001-2006)
NTNU Functional Genome research (FUGE) committee (2002 –
IME Faculty Board, NTNU (2002-05)
IDI Board, NTNU (2001-20003) (2005- present, vara)
IDI Research Committee, NTNU (2002 - present)
4 PhD students completed
3 PhD students in process
30 Masters students
External Examinations
PhD thesis, Anna University, India, 2006
Masters thesis,
External Funding Evaluations
ESPRC (British) funding evaluator 2006
Czech Funding Evaluator 2005
Conference Organisation
Congress on Evolutionary
Computation CEC09, current
bid together with Prof Andy Tyrrell,
to be held in
Special Session at Congress
in Evolutionary Computation CEC08, proposed special session on Artificial Development together with Kenneth Stanley, University of Central Florida, USA
International Conference on Evolvable
Systems, from Biology to Hardware, ICES08, to be held in
Workshop on Evolved and Adaptive hardware, IEEE Symposium on Computational
Intelligence 2007, to be held in
International Conference on
Evolvable Systems, from Biology to Hardware, ICES03, held in
Annual Artificial Development
meetings, (2001-present) ,
joint initiative with
2006 NFR,
Helse Midt-Norge/NTNU, 1 PhD funding
Helse Midt-Norge/NTNU, 1 PhD funding
2006 NTNU FUGE/Bio-nano/systemsbiology:
1 PhD funding (Dec 2006-nov 2009)
2006 IME, NTNU 1 PhD funding (Oct 2006-Sept 2009)
2004 NTNU bioinformatic, 1
Post.doc funding (Jun 2004-May 2006)
2003 IME. NTNU 1 PhD funding (June 2004-may 2007)
2000 NFR project (Nov 2000 to Oct 2003) budget NOK
1.24M, leader: Pauline Haddow, “Applying Artificial
Evolution to Reconfigurable Hardware to achieve Modelling of Signal
2002 Efficient
Hardware/Software Design Models and techniques for Embedded Systems,
participant (leader.
2002 Embedded
Reconfigurable Systems for Ambient Intelligence, participant (leader, Jim Tørresen, UIO)
ESPRC initiative :
2003-2004: SEEDS,
ESPRC(British) funded initiative to create strong research proposals within
novel computation, international
Various international
journals and conferences
Pauline Haddow Publications
Books, Book Chapters
and Journals
Piet van Remortel, Pauline Haddow, Tom Lenaerts and Bernard Manderick, “
Modular Interactions between Developmental Genes and the impact of Mutations”,
submitted to the journal of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Hardware.
Morten Hartmann and Pauline Catriona
Haddow and Per Kristian Lehre, “The Genotypic Complexity of Evolved Fault-tolerant and Noise-robust
Circuits” to appear in
BioSystems Journal., 2006
Per Kristian Lehre and Pauline Catriona Haddow, “Phenotypic Complexity and Local
Variations in Neutral Degree” to appear
in BioSystems Journal., 2006
Gunnar Tufte and
Pauline Catriona Haddow, “Towards Development on a Silicon-based Cellular Computing Machine”, Natural Computing, journal 2005 4(4):387-416
Morten Hartmann and Pauline Catriona
Haddow, “Evolution of
Fault Tolerant and Noise Robust Designs”
IEE journal of Computers and
Digital Techniques, Volume
151, Issue 04, p. 287-294, July 2004
Tyrrell, A. M. and Haddow, P. C. and Torresen, J. “Proceedings of 5th International
Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware, ICES2003” 2003, Springer-Verlag
Pauline Catriona Haddow and Gunnar Tufte and Piet Remortel, “Evolvable Hardware: Pumping Life into Dead Silicon”, On Growth, Form and Computers, Chapter 22: 405--423, Elsevier Limited,
International and National Refereed Conferences
Pauline C Haddow, “Bridging the Knowledge Gap
between Conventional and Non-conventional Fault Tolerant Design”
Workshop on Evolvable and Adapative Hardware, IEEE
Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2007, submitted
Pauline C Haddow, Morten Hartmann and Asbjørn
Djupdal, “Evaluating Reliability in Traditional
and Evolved Fault tolerant circuits”,
submitted to IEEE workshop on Reliable and
Adaptive Hardware (RAW07)
Per Kristian Lehre and Pauline Catriona Haddow,”Accessibility and Runtime between
Convex Neutral Networks” to appear in the 6th international Conference
on Simulated Evolution and Learning, SEAL 2006
Pauline C Haddow,
Morten Hartmann and Asbjørn Djupdal,
“Classical versus Evolved Fault Tolerance: Comparing Metrics and Performance” to appear in the 2006 MAPLD international
Asbjørn Djupdal and Pauline Haddow,
“Improving FPGA Yield with Defect Tolerance”, to appear in the 2006 MAPLD international
Per Kristian Lehre and Pauline Catriona Haddow, “Accessibility
between Neutral Networks in Indirect Genotype-Phenotype Mappings” in proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
Computation, IEEE Computer Society Press 2005. ISBN
0-7803-9363-5. s. 419-426
Morten Hartmann and Pauline Catriona
Haddow and Per Kristian Lehre, “Evolved Digital Circuits and Genome Complexity, in
Proceedings of The 2005 NASA/DoD Conference on
Evolvable Hardware, 2005,
Gunnar Tufte and Pauline Catriona Haddow, “Biologically-Inspired:
A Rule-Based Self-Reconfiguration of a Virtex Chip”,
in Proc. of
International Conference on Computational Science 2004, 2004 LNCS series
Per Kristian Lehre and Pauline Catriona Haddow, “Developmental Mappings and
Phenotypic Complexity”
Proceedings of the 2003
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2003
Gunnar Tufte and Pauline C.
Haddow.”Identification of Functionality during
Development on a Virtual Sblock FPGA.”,to
appear in Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2003). IEEE.
Kristian and Pauline Haddow,
Devlopment Mapplings and
Phenotypic Complexity, to appear in Congress on Evolutionary Computation
(CEC2003), IEEE.
Haddow and Morten Hartmann. Achieving Complexity and
Reliability on Unreliable Platforms, in the Norwegian Informatics Conference
Hartmann, Pauline C. Haddow and Frode
Eskelund. Evolving Robust Digital Designs, in the
2002 NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware.
Hartmann, Frode Eskelund,
Pauline C. Haddow and Julian F. Miller. Evolving
Fault Tolerance on an Unreliable Technology Platform, in The Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2002).
C Haddow, Gunnar Tufte and Piet van Remortel. Shrinking the
Genotype: L-systems for EHW, in Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware,
4th International Conference, ICES 2001, pages 128-139, Springer-Verlag 2001.
C. Haddow and Gunnar Tufte.
Bridging the Genotype-Phenotype Mapping for Digital FPGAs,
in The Third NASA/DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware,
EH 2001, pages 109-115. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001.
C Haddow and Piet van Remortel. From Here to There: Future Robust EHW
Technologies for Large Digital Designs, in The Third NASA/DoD
Workshop on Evolvable Hardware, EH 2001, pages 232-239, IEEE Computer Society
Press, 2001.
C. Haddow and Gunnar Tufte.
An Evolvable Hardware FPGA for Adaptive Hardware, in Congress on Evolutionary
Computation 2000 (CEC00), pages 553-560. IEEE Press, 2000.
Tufte and Pauline C. Haddow.
Evolving an Adaptive Digital Filter, in The Second NASA/DoD
Workshop on Evolvable Hardware, EH 2000, pages 143-150. IEEE Computer Society
Press, 2000.
C. Haddow and Gunnar Tufte.
Evolving a Robot Controller in Hardware, in Norsk Informatikkonferanse 1999 (NIK'99), pages 141-150. NIK-stiftelsen and Tapir
forlag, 1999.
Tufte, Pauline C. Haddow. Prototyping a GA Pipeline for Complete
Hardware Evolution, in The First NASA/DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware, EH 1999, pages 18-25.
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1999.
C. Haddow, A Prototype Framework for Modelling
Communication Hardware in Multicomputers, in
Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems 1999, PDPTA'99.
C. Haddow, A Framework for Modelling Communication
Hardware in Multipcomputers, PhD thesis, Department
of Computer Science and Informatics, Rapport 1998:38.
C. Haddow and Lasse Natvig, A case study in multilevel architecture modelling
using HDLs, in 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on
Hardware Description Languages 1998, pages 24-31.
Lasse Natvig and Pauline C. Haddow, A
multilevel simulation study linking parallel applications to executable and
realisable hardware models, in Norsk informatikk konferanse 1997
(NIK97), pages 303-314.
C. Haddow, A generalisation of router chip design, in
Proceedings of the Fifth Euromicro Workshop on
Parallel and Distributed Processing 1997, pages 307-313.
Invited Talks
C Haddow, “Complex Reliable Adaptive Bio-inspired
Reconfigurable Hardware”, FPGA forum,
C Haddow, “Development: Achieving Complexity in an
Artificial Environment”, EU NEURO-it workshop,
Pauline Catriona Haddow, “Development and Evolvable Hardware : Achieving
Complexity in an Artificial Environment”
CODESAR Workshop, GECC0 2006
C Haddow, “Evolvable
Hardware: Bioinspired Design Techniques”, DAK