[Research][EHWmainpage]Evolvable Hardware
Computer Architecture and Design Group, IDI, NTNUShrinking the Genotype
The scalability problem is due to the resource-greedy nature of evolutionary
techniques. Generally in EHW, a one-to-one mapping has
been chosen for the genotype-phenotype transition. This means
that the genotype needs to include all the information required for the
phenotype i.e. configuration data to program the device. The larger
the circuit to be evolved, the more logic and routing information
required. As the complexity of the genotype increases, so increases
the computational and storage requirements.
A solution to this problem is to shrink the genotype in some way. This
may be stated as the genotype challenge, finding new forms of
representation for evolving complex circuits. In this work we are interested
in investigating ways in which development may be combined
with genetic algorithms so as to enable smaller genotypes to evolve
complex circuit designs.
Pauline Haddow, Assoc. Professor, Department of Computer and Information Science, NTNUStudents
Gunnar Tufte, PhD student; Department of Computer and Information Science, NTNU
Piet van Remortel, PhD student, NTNU and Free University of Brussels
L-systems for EHW
"Bridging the Genotype-Phenotype Mapping for Digital
by Pauline C Haddow and Gunnar Tufte, to appear
in EH'01