
                              "Achieving Complexity and Reliability on Unreliable Platforms"
                              by Pauline C Haddow and Morten Hartmann, submitted to NIK'02

                              "Evolving Robust Digital Designs"
                              by Morten Hartmann, Pauline C. Haddow and Frode Eskelund to appear in EH'02

                              "Evolving Fault Tolerance on an Unreliable Technology Platform"
                                       by Morten Hartmann, Frode Eskelund, Pauline C. Haddow and Julian F. Miller to appear in GECCO'02


"Evolving an Adaptive Digital Filter",abstract, postscript
by Gunnar Tufte and Pauline Haddow, EH'00, pp 143-150


"Evolving a Robot Controller in Hardware", abstract, postscript
by Pauline Haddow and Gunnar Tufte, NIK'99, pp 141-150

"Prototyping a GA Pipeline for Complete Hardware Evolution", abstract, postscrip
by Gunnar Tufte and Pauline Haddow,  EH'99, pp 143-150

[EHW main page]

Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU
Faculty of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics  FIM                                                                    Design and maintainance: Pauline Haddow
Department of Computer and Information Science  IDI