Page 12 Figure 1.3 (d): Caption could be "MISD architecture (programmable systolic array)", not "... (the systolic array)".
Page 14 (11 lines from bottom of page) Cycle time in nanoseconds does not correspond with clockrate in megahertz. Change nanoseconds to microseconds. At the same place: The instruction count is stricly speaking not equivalent to the program size. (Consider loops).
Page 30 Table 1.5, Digital VAX 9000 used VMS and not MS (?)
Page 59 Figure 2.4, the rightmost X1 should be changed to X2
Page 69 Textline 3 from above, addition instead fo additional
Page 69 Textline 6 from the top, eliminated should be 'estimated'
Page 70 Figure 2.11, d=210 should be changed to d=212
Page 78 1'st line should be .... multicast (one -to-many)
Page 84 1'st line should end with Fig. 2.18 a)
Page 92 Sixth textline from bottom, should be n (log_{2}n) /2
Page 93 In fig. 2.25 a), the output line N/2-1 and N/2-2 should be interchanged.
Page 109 Bottom half of page, geometric mean performance (not Geometic!)
Page 116 In the second heading; Whetstone (not Whestone). This typing error occurs several places in the book.
Page 131 Sixth line from top, should be $W_{1}$ instead of $W_{i}$ (Latex notation)
Page 137 Fig. 3.10 a) should be $W_{n}$ instead of $W_{1}$ in lower left part of the figure
Page 141 T(s,n) and (s,1) at the middle of the page should be T(s,n) and T(s,1)
Page 147 Reference to fig. 1.10c should be to fig. 3.6
Page 186 Third line from the top, reference to fig. 4.2b) should be to Fig. 4.15b. The table should be labeled Table 4.7. Third line from the top, reference to table 4.2.3. should be to table 4.7. (Corresponding change to table on page 190 and reference to it at bottom of page 189)
Page 231 Figure 5.11 (a): The arrow illustrating the "word datapath" from memory address should point at a data-item in the block, and not at the tag.
Page 233 Figure 5.12 (a): Same as page 231, fig. 5.11 (a).
Page 249 Figure 5.19 (c): Arrowhead missing towards Shared memory.
Page 285 In figure 6.13b, lower right part of left half the text should be "LD R2, M2"
Page 420 Figure 8.9: The B and T register blocks both contain 64 registers, (8 x 8).
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