Fag DIF8916  Informasjonsteknologiske Emner  

Gjesteforelesninger (Guest Lectures) 1999/2000

Uheldigvis har vi ikke mer plass i faget i høsten 99 for videre gjesteforelesninger. Dessuten er det mye ledig plass til vår. Det er først til mål til å sikre plass.

Plass Bestilling
Timeplan (Gjesteforelesninger)

Krav på gjesteforelesning:

45/60 minutter presentasjon pluss diskusjon (2 timer plass)


Bestilling av gjesteforelesninger:

Ledig plass i timeplanen: :

Ta kontakt med ansvarligfaglærer for å bestille plass. Ansvarligfaglærne reserverer rett til å beholde TK (tidskrift kollokvium) når det trengs til tross for at gjesteforelesninger skal prioriteres.


Gjesteforelesning timeplan

         Høst :  Mandager i F404

UKE 13-14 14-15 15-16
35 (Torsdag) 12.30 
Giovanni Cignoni,
avslutt 14.30
37 Algirdis Bastys (Blake)   Algirdis Bastys (Blake) 
39  Linda Hill 
( I Sølvberg)
Linda Hill 
( I Sølvberg)
David ?
(A Staupe)
42 M Franckson
(A Sølvberg)
(A Sølvberg)
44  GF  GF (Nytrø) GF
       Vår :
UKE 13-14 14-15 15-16
main page(english version)

videre informasjon: (further information)

Mandag 18.10.99 kl 13.15 - kl 15

Marcel Franckson,  Sema Group, Paris
"Business stakes for ICT"

kontakt person: A Solvberg

The evolution and the world wide opening of the society are the subject of many studies, communications and debates all over the
world. The ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is the main enabler and driver for this evolution and opening of the
society. The term “Information Society” is nowadays used to acknowledge this close interaction between the enabling technology and
human societies. This talk will present some important stakes for the Information and Communication Technologies in relation with
business evolution.
The following themes will be addressed:
·       The importance of measuring the contribution of ICT to business success
·       The shift from products to services in organisations and information systems
·       The distributed organisationsand their impact on organisation, ICT requirements and methodology
·       Why components are a necessary technology.
The talk will raise questions and uncover trends and perspectives to simulate a debate on these issues.

Short biography
Marcel Franckson is engineer in physics from the Polytechnic School of the Free University of Brussels. After a 2 years research at
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), he has worked as software programmer, analyst, consultant and then project manager
at Sema Group. He has led several international projects. From 1992 to 1996, he has been the Project Director of the Euromethod
Project for the Eurogroup Consortium.
He is now consultant in program, project and acquisition management.
He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society, the ACM and the International Who’s Who of Professional Management.
He has published several articles and given many conferences in methodology, risk management, program management and acquisition



Responsible for contents: Pauline Haddow
Send comments to: pauline@idi.ntnu.no
