Fag DIF8916  Topics in Information Technology  

[Norsk Versjon]

General Information

           Course Organisers :      Assoc. Prof. Keith Downing and Assoc. Prof. Pauline Haddow

            Teaching Assistant :

            Hours per week      :      2.5vt  (12 bt)

            Grade                      :      pass / feil

            Lectures                 :      Monday 1.15 pm - 4pm     in F404 (Gløshaugen)
                                                  NOTE      G144 24/1/00

          Course Description
        Lectures :
        Requirements for Students :
        Expected of  IDI Lecturers :
          Timetable: (on Norwegian page)
          Guest Lecture Timetable

Course Description

The aim of this course is to educate students in the scientific fileds of which the department has active research. This is achieved through a combination of:

          (A) Guest lectures,

          (B) Presentation of the ongoing research at the department and

          (C) Article seminars.

The course will be given each year at the Department of Computer Science and Information.  The course is a requirement for all new students (dr.ing, dr.scient) starting autumn 1998.  Other students may also choose to take the course.



The three parts of the course are presented in the following way:

Guest Lectures:

There will be at least 8 guest lectures arranged each academic year chosen by the respective research groups.   Students must meet up for at least 2/3rds of these whilst they are registered at IDI. Exceptions will be made when a student is on leave or is no longer resident.

Group Presentations:

Once a year each of the research groups at the department will present their ongoing research over a periode of  3-6 hours. Each student must attend presentations from each of the research groups.

Article Seminar:

The course participants will present a number of scientific articles from journals and scientific conferences chosen by the departments research groups.  This part of the course should be completed within three academic year. All participants are expected to attend these seminars whether or not they are presenting self. Each participant will give 2 presetnations in the course of their first year and two further presentations in the course of the next two years.

An introduksjon to writing scientific papers and project applications may also be included in this part of the course.


Requirements for Students:

     Attendance to 2/3rds of the guest lectures :
                    2/3 x (2 hours x 8) x 3 years (normalised study periode) = 32 hours

    Attendance to the article seminar plus 4 presentations :
                   presentation / preperation ca. 70 hours +
                   attendance 29 x 2 year = 58 hours
                   together  128 hours.

   Attendance to the group presentations :
                  together 29 hours

All together 189 hours which is slighly more than  12 bt x 13 weeks = 156 hours. This is compensated by the fact that there is no exam in the course and therefore no exam preperation. In addition, credit for presentation preperation is given within these 189 hours.

Updated (autumn 99 only) deltagelse og presentation status is here.


Expected of IDI Lecturers:

Guest Lectures:

        *    Minimum  of one guest lecture from each group each year.
        *    Guest lectures must take up central topics in the subject area and be of a more general
               nature rather than so spesialised that they are only understood by those working in the field.

Group Presentations :

        *    A 3 hour presentation of the group's research area.
        *    It is desired that  all members of the group attend these periods.

Article Seminar:

         *   Supervisor must be in attendance  when a student makes a presetnation at the article semenar
               such that the student can get useful feeback on both presentation technique and the
               scientific quality.  This means that the supervisor must also study the articles that are

It is strongly encouraged that all lecturers participate in the guest lectures and group presentations when possible such that the course can help to gather the institute in the joint research goal.



Responsible for contents: Pauline Haddow
Send comments to: pauline@idi.ntnu.no
Last modified: Fre Aug 28 18:11:53 MET 1998 