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Top - 2006 - August(22)-> TokyoBaseball [Slide_Show]
Bart and Rune shopping Bart and Rune shopping
Bart shopping Bart shopping
Batting action Batting action
BiruGaru BiruGaru
Chiketto Chiketto
Crowd Crowd
Kanji and Bank Books Kanji and Bank Books
KazuyaMAEDA Martin Rune KazuyaTANAKA Bart and Yuichi KazuyaMAEDA Martin Rune KazuyaTANAKA Bart and Yuichi
Martin KazuyaTANAKA Mariko Rune and Takeshi Martin KazuyaTANAKA Mariko Rune and Takeshi
Mascot Mascot
Players Players
Rune Rune
Rune2 Rune2
Tanaka Martin Koyama YuuIchi Rune Nik Maeda Takeshi Bart and X Tanaka Martin Koyama YuuIchi Rune Nik Maeda Takeshi Bart and X

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