jag ntnu S


Professor Dr Jon Atle Gulla
Co-leader of Web Intelligence and Semantics Laboratory



Department of Computer and Information Science

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway


Email: jag at idi.ntnu.no

Phone:  +47 73591847

Mobile: +47 91347759

Fax: +47 73594466


PicPdf CV





Gulla Gaard







Sugumaran and Gulla’s book on semantic applications, 2011







 iAD Center  

IO Center








Web Intelligence

Semantic Web

Customer-driven project




Professor Dr. Jon Atle Gulla is professor of Information Systems at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway, since 2002.  He was the head of the Department of Computer and Information Science 2010—2012 and the deputy head 2009-2010 and 2012-2013.  He is the co-leader of the Web Intelligence and Semantics lab.


Gulla received his MSc in 1988 and his PhD in 1993, both in Information Systems at the Norwegian Institute of Technology.  In his PhD thesis he used linguistic theories to generate user-tailored explanations of conceptual models and their executions.  Gulla also has a MSc in Linguistics from the University of Trondheim from 1995.  In 2003 he completed a MSc of Management (Sloan fellow) at London Business School with a thesis on strategic modeling and simulation of fast growing software companies.  Before accepting the professorship at NTNU he was the general manager of Elexir Sprachtechnologie, a Munich software company developing computational linguistics software for the search engine of Fast Search & Transfer.  He was a senior consultant and project manager in Norsk Hydro in Brussels from 1997 to 2000, focusing on large-scale SAP projects. As a research scientist with GMD (later Fraunhofer) in Darmstadt from 1996 to 1997, he worked on dialog models for information retrieval.


Gulla has a multi-disciplinary research approach and works in close collaboration with industry. His research is centered around the following general themes:


·        Semantic Web

·        Ontology engineering

·        Information retrieval

·        Recommender systems

·        Text analytics

·        Sentiment analysis

·        Big Data

·        Business models and technology innovation


As part of his business activities professor Gulla has co-founded companies developing computational linguistics software, text mining tools, and business process reengineering tools for ERP-supported businesses.  He has cooperated with Norwegian and international companies in projects on the introduction of semantic technologies in industry.  Currently, he is sitting on the board of several software companies and is regularly giving talks to the business community.


As a professor at NTNU Professor Gulla has taken part in both national and international research projects, and he has more than 70 publications in international refereed journals and conferences. He is responsible for courses on information retrieval, text mining, semantic web, project management, and information systems engineering.  Central to all his lectures is the importance of models and semantics in future large-scale enterprise solutions.


Jon Atle Gulla on the web:

CiteSeer, Google, Google Scholar



Jon Atle Gulla, 17 March 2006