
I’m an associate professor in computer science at the Norwegian university of science and technology (NTNU). Currently, my research interest lies in similarity search and metric indexing. You can find an alternative listing of my publications at Google Scholar. (See also my listing in Cristin. Note that the Cristin listing contains duplicates.)


Halvard Hummel and Magnus Lie Hetland. Maximin Shares Under Cardinality Constraints. In Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS), 2022. (A preliminary version appeared as an extended abstract at AAMAS 2022.) Best paper.

Halvard Hummel and Magnus Lie Hetland. Fair Allocation of Conflicting Items. In Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems vol. 36, no. 8, 2022.

Magnus Lie Hetland. Metrics and Ambits and Sprawls, Oh My. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, 2021.

Magnus Lie Hetland and Halvard Hummel. Fairest Neighbors: Tradeoffs Between Metric Queries Magnus Lie Hetland and Halvard Hummel. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, 2021.

Magnus Lie Hetland. Optimal Metric Search Is Equivalent to the Minimum Dominating Set Problem. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, 2020.

Magnus Lie Hetland. Metrics and Ambits and Sprawls, Oh My: Another Tutorial on Metric Indexing. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, 2020.

Magnus Lie Hetland. “Comparison-Based Indexing From First Principles“. arXiv:1908.06318, 2019.

Magnus Lie Hetland. “Ptolemaic Indexing.” In Journal of Computational Geometry, vol. 6, no. 1, 2015.

Bilegsaikhan Naidan and Magnus Lie Hetland, Static-to-Dynamic Transformation for Metric Indexing Structures. In Information Systems, vol. 45, Elsevier, 2014.

Magnus Lie Hetland and Ola Martin Lykkja, “A Real-Time Spatial Index for In-Vehicle Units.” In Proc. of the 26th Norwegian Informatics Conference, NIK, 2013.

Magnus Lie Hetland, Simulating Ability: Representing Skills in Games. In Proc. of the 4th Intl. Conf. on Serious Games Development & Applications, SGDA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8101, pp. 226—238, Springer, 2013.

Magnus Lie Hetland, Tomas Skopal, Jakub Lokoc and Christian Beecks, Ptolemaic Access Methods: Challenging the Reign of the Metric Space Model. Information Systems, vol. 38, issue 7, Elsevier, 2013.

Bilegsaikhan Naidan and Magnus Lie Hetland. “An empirical evaluation of a metric index for approximate string matching.” In Proc. Norwegian Informatics Conference, NIK, 2012.

Bilegsaikhan Naidan and Magnus Lie Hetland. “Bregman hyperplane trees for fast approximate nearest neighbor search.” In International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management IJMDEM.

Bilegsaikhan Naidan and Magnus Lie Hetland. “Bregman hyperplane trees for fast approximate nearest neighbor search.” In Proceeding of VLDB-MDDE, 2012.

Bilegsaikhan Naidan and Magnue Lie Hetland. “Shrinking data balls in metric indexes.” In Proceedings of DBKDA, 2013.

Bilegsaikhan Naidan and Magnus Lie Hetland, Static-to-Dynamic Transformation for Metric Indexing Structures. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 7404, pp. 101—115, 2012. Best paper.

Mujahed Eleyat, Dag Haugland, Magnus Lie Hetland and Lasse Natvig. Parallel algorithms for the maximum flow problem with minimum lot sizes. Operations Research Proceedings 2012, pp. 83—88, Springer, 2012.

Dag Haugland, Mujahed Eleyat and Magnus Lie Hetland, The maximum flow problem with minimum lot sizes. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6971, pp. 170—182, 2011.

Jakub Lokoc, Magnus Lie Hetland, Tomas Skopal and Christian Beecks, “Ptolemaic Indexing of the Signature Quadratic Form Distance”. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP), June 30-July 1, 2011, Lipary, Italy. Best paper. (Presentation)

Svein Erik Bratsberg and Magnus Lie Hetland. Dynamic Optimization of Queries in Pivot-Based Indexing. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2010.

Ole Edsberg and Magnus Lie Hetland. Indexing Inexact Proximity Search with Distance Regression in Pivot Space. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on SImilarity Search and Applications (SISAP), ACM, 2010. Best paper.

Nils Grimsmo, Truls Amundsen Bjørklund and Magnus Lie Hetland. Linear Computation of the Maximum Simultaneous Forward and Backward Bisimulation for Node-Labeled Trees. In Proceedings of the 7th International XML Database Symposium on Database and XML Technologies (XSym), 2010. (Extended version.)

Nils Grimsmo, Truls Amundsen Bjørklund and Magnus Lie Hetland. Fast Optimal Twig Joins. Proceedings of the 36th international conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), 2010.

Magnus Lie Hetland. The Basic Principles of Metric Indexing. In Carlos A. Coello Coello, Satchidananda Dehuri and Susmita Ghosh, editors, Swarm Intelligence for Multi-objective Problems in Data Mining, Springer-Verlag, 2009. (Version with notes inline. The original publication is available at

Will Archer Arentz, Magnus Lie Hetland and Bjørn Olstad. Methods for retrieving musical information based on rhythm and pitch correlations. In Journal of New Music Research 34(2), 2005.

Magnus Lie Hetland and Pål Sætrom. Evolutionary Rule Mining in Time Series Databases. In Machine Learning, 58(2). Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005.

Magnus Lie Hetland. A survey of recent methods for efficient retrieval of similar time sequences. In Mark Last, Abraham Kandel, and Horst Bunke, editors, Data Mining in Time Series Databases. World Scientific, 2004.

Magnus Lie Hetland and Pål Sætrom. Temporal rule discovery using genetic programming and specialized hardware. In Ahmad Lotfi, Jonathon M. Garibaldi, editors, Applications and Science in Soft Computing, Springer-Verlag, 2004.

Magnus Lie Hetland and Pål Sætrom. A Comparison of Hardware and Software in Sequence Rule Evolution. In Proc. 8th Scandinavian Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, SCAI, IOS Press, 2003.

Pål Sætrom and Magnus Lie Hetland. Multiobjective Evolution of Temporal Rules. In Proc. 8th Scandinavian Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, SCAI, IOS Press, 2003.

Amund Tveit, Magnus Lie Hetland and Håvard Engum. Incremental and Decremental Proximal Support Vector Classification using Decay Coefficients. In Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, DaWaK, Springer-Verlag, 2003.

Amund Tveit and Magnus Lie Hetland. Multicategory Incremental Proximal Support Vector Classifiers. In Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, KES, Springer-Verlag, 2003.

Magnus Lie Hetland and Pål Sætrom. The Role of Discretization Parameters in Sequence Rule Evolution. In Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, KES, Springer-Verlag, 2003.

Pål Sætrom and Magnus Lie Hetland. Unsupervised Temporal Rule Mining with Genetic Programming and Specialized Hardware. In Proc. 2003 Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA, Association for Machine Learning and Applications, 2003.

Magnus Lie Hetland and Pål Sætrom. Temporal rule discovery using genetic programming and specialized hardware. In Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Soft Computing, RASC, 2002.

Non-Scientific Publications

Magnus Lie Hetland. Python Algorithms, 2nd ed (320 p). Apress, 2014.

Magnus Lie Hetland. Python Algorithms (316 p). Apress, 2010.

Magnus Lie Hetland. Beginning Python, 2nd ed (656 p). Apress, 2008.

Magnus Lie Hetland. Beginning Python (604 p). Apress, 2005.

Magnus Lie Hetland. Practical Python (648 p). Apress, 2002.

Posters and Presentations

Bilegsaikhan Naidan, Magnus Lie Hetland and Ole Edsberg, “Approximate similarity search using samples”, The International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP), June 30-July 1, 2011, Lipary, Italy.

Rune Johan Hovland, Anne C. Elster and Magnus Lie Hetland, “High Data Volumes and Streaming on Future GPU Systems”, The Eighth Annual Meeting on High Performance Computing and Infrastructure in Norway (NOTUR), May 18-20, 2009, Trondheim, Norway.

Media Appearances

Appearance on Newton, a popular science show for children on NRK (Jan 10, 2010), explaining how search engines work. (Dept. news story)

Non-Scientific Awards

The Teacher of the Year award at the Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, NTNU, 2009.


I’ve been a reviewer for the following publications and conferences:

Proc. of the 32nd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, ISAAC, 2021.

Proc. of the International Conference on Very Large Databases, VLDB, 2015, 2016.

Information Systems, Elsevier, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2021.

Physica Scripta, 2014.

Proc. Norwegian Informatics Conference, NIK, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2014.

Proc. International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications, INISTA, 2013.

Proc. of the International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, SISAP, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2020, 2021.

Proc. of the 28th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE, 2012.

Proc. Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, SCAI, 2006, 2008, 2011.

ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, CF, 2011.

Proc. of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, AIA, 2007.

Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley InterScience, 2006.

IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, TPAMI, 2006.

Proc. Int. Conf. of Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, ICCIMA, IEEE CS Press, 2005.

Proc. Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Data Mining, MLDM, Springer-Verlag, 2005.

Machine Learning, 58(2), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005.

Proc. 19th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA, ACM 2004.